Transformational Leadership Coaching   

Cultivating leadership and strong management skills with the support of a dedicated coach can be deeply transformative—for both you and your team. My coaching approach introduces you to new ways of showing up with authentic confidence. You will be encouraged to identify patterns, to access your emotional intelligence and to solve complex problems by asking and answering big questions.


Transform & Breakthrough

I assist clients in navigating the intricacies of the professional landscape. Together, we unlock the power of their strengths, nurture authentic presence, and develop the skills needed to lead with clarity and confidence. We uncover new opportunities by identifying old patterns and asking questions that encourage a connection to what is genuinely desired both personally and professionally. I provide practical, authentic guidance through the tools and techniques of conscious communication, mindfulness, and empowerment to help clients recognize and develop their innate leadership style.

Depending on my client's needs and timelines, I offer Breakthrough and Transformational Leadership Coaching,
propelling them to the next phase in their career.

What to Expect

Through a series of 1:1 meetings (on Zoom), we dive into thought-provoking conversations that reveal new ways of understanding how you’ll achieve what you really want. Sessions end with a new practice or practical homework to apply what we've uncovered back into your everyday life.

  • Practical Exercises
  • Clarifying Tools
  • Client-led Discussions


By equipping my clients with the tools of mindfulness, empowerment, and effective communication, I guide them toward achieving their professional goals, navigating complex work environments, and fostering lasting personal growth. My clients experience:

  • Enhanced Confidence & Clarity
  • Improved Communication & Relationships
  • Stronger Self-Awareness
  • Skill-Building to Help Teams Excel & Retain Talent
  • Opportunities for Greater Impact
  • Enhanced Creativity, Ideas and Solutions

How it Works & Pricing



This package is for individuals who are taking a professional leap year and are looking for full support to supercharge growth. 

  • Kickoff meeting (90 min)
  • Up to 20 coaching sessions (55 minutes each)
  • Three quarterly planning sessions (110 min each)
  • Launch plan to help you continue the work forward (90 min)

Includes a tracking workbook, launch session, exercises, and resources to ensure you apply your learning.

"create" icon



This package is the most popular offering for people looking to move the needle and get to the next level professionally. Within 12 sessions, clients experience rapid improvements in their clarity, confidence, and leadership abilities.

  • 12 sessions (55 minutes each)
  • Twice a month for six months

Start with our intake and goal setting. Includes a workbook to help track your progress. 


Boost is ideal for ambitious professionals seeking targeted guidance for a single issue, making it the perfect choice for those looking to address specific challenges and unlock a new solution.

What to Expect

You’ll receive a clarifying worksheet before we begin our sessions, so you can identify the obstacle you’re facing and your desired outcome.

  • Three Sessions (55 minutes each)
  • Used Within Two-Month Period
  • Practical Exercises


These targeted sessions empower you to make immediate progress toward a specific issue, gaining increased clarity in the process.

  • Targeted Problem-Solving
  • Actionable Insight
  • Enhanced Confidence & Clarity

Three 55 Minute Sessions


Work With Me


I've been honored to help unlock leadership
potential for clients at



How do I know if you’re the right fit for me as a coach?

As you explore different coaching options, you’ll find that my approach places a strong emphasis on the depth, customization, and comprehensive support of services. My hands-on experience in tech and design, combined with my extensive coaching education, mean I’m an experienced, problem solving partner. I’ve been in the field and understand the challenges you face.If any of the statements below resonate with you, we’d have a strong coaching partnership:

  • I feel stuck and need help finding the clarity to move forward with confidence.
  • I need guidance on advancing in my career and support to do so.
  • I am experienced and ambitious, and I’m not sure why I haven’t accomplished what I want at work. 
  • I need help evolving my leadership skills to keep up with my evolving role in the workplace.
  • I want a custom coaching partnership that is focused on what’s most important to me instead of a formula.
  • It’s important that the coach I hire understands my role and industry. 

How do I know if I’m ready to start?

People often say they need coaching but aren’t sure if they’re ready. If you have the idea that you need help, you should trust your intuition. Coaching drives clarity and frequently uncovers the things that you don’t know you know. I encourage you to set up a 30-minute discovery call with me to get your coaching questions answered!

Can you come talk to my team?

Yes! I frequently teach and speak. I'm happy to come speak to your team about leadership, communication, building influence and finding resilience. Send me a note about your team and we can develop a session together.

What does your coaching education look like?

As a lifelong learner, I graduated from the Newfield Network Coaching training program. Established by Julio Ollaya over 40 years ago, it’s known as one of the oldest and most impactful coaching programs around and has inspired countless other programs. I have also studied under the Institute for Generative Leadership’s CEO program, as well as Martha Beck’s North Star Coaching program. Finally, I’m a student of Buddhism and energetic healing with the Sacred Stream organization in Berkeley, CA.

What results can I expect from working with you as my coach?

I’m proud to say I’ve helped clients get more satisfying roles and higher salaries at work. I’ve also empowered them to make bigger impacts while discovering more effective working rhythms, so they can improve results and reduce stress. Ultimately, my clients gain confidence and clarity and feel on track professionally. See what my clients have to say about working with me:

“During a period of tremendous transformation in most areas of my life, I was guided by Courtney's coaching. I had lingering blind spots that were preventing me from making the final push to step into a new career. Working with her has been such a gift. Her warm, grounded energy and clear guidance is a force. With her support and direction, I moved through some pretty intense emotions that ultimately empowered me to make the plunge into purpose-fueled work.”

“I think of our coaching sessions just about everyday. They were incredibly helpful in moving through mental obstacles in my personal life and professional life. In my professional life, the obstacles are still there. I just navigate them differently.”

“I wanted to thank you, as a lot of our work together gave me the confidence and clarity to pursue this opportunity. After receiving the offer, I looked back through my notes from our sessions, vividly re-lived the areas I was struggling with, and proudly recognized how many huge strides I've taken since then, both in my current role and how I'm approaching this next one. I truly feel like a new person - both in terms of professional competencies but also in achieving practically all of the goals we talked through. I could go on, but I really just wanted to say thank you for the work that you do.”