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Leadership Qualities and How to Get Them

Leadership Qualities and How to Get Them

As I approach 100 issues of TBD: To Be Determined, I wanted to reshare a series I did a year ago about the four qualities of leadership.
Check it out. If you like it, subscribe! I publish TBD twice monthly about expanding professional possibilities and building a good life. It's a bit of coaching directly to your inbox. Let me know what you think?

TBD 77: What are 4 Qualities of Leadership?
TBD: 78 - About Confidence
TBD 79 - About Authenticity
TBD 80 - About Gravitas
TBD 81 - About Charisma

You've got a duck problem.

You've got a duck problem.

When we think we know it all, we can get stuck in fossilized thinking. Our options close and we stop our own growth.

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Power of a Rage Journal

Power of a Rage Journal

Put your beautiful notebook and fancy pen aside. We're going to rage journal.

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What exactly is leadership presence?

What exactly is leadership presence?

We've all heard about building more leadership presence. But what does that mean specifically?

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