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What I've learned from 100 newsletters.

What I've learned from 100 newsletters.

Tomorrow, I'll send out my one hundredth issue of TBD: To Be Determined.

The newsletter name is not just a temporary slug, it accurately describes what a lot of my writing and coaching is about. We are not yet finished growing and the path is still to be determined. We are always a work in progress. Once we realize that, we might be able to cut ourselves some slack, be easier about things and kinder to ourselves. We are still growing.

I talk about this with my clients often. My clients are ambitious, successful, and eager to move forward doing good work. Mistakes happen along the way. That's life. Instead of hating ourselves for not knowing better or being able to control the uncontrollable, we have to learn to step back up to the plate. We have to keep showing up.

In starting my own coaching practice, I've learned that the obstacles are the path. When things are not going smoothly, that's okay! That's actually how things go most of the time.

Over 100 newsletters in, I'm proud to have been consistent-ish. I admire folks that write more, create more, make more but I know I'm on my own trajectory with different hopes and dreams. I'm doing it my way and it's working. So, instead of comparing, I give myself a pat on the back and feel excited about the next 100 to come.

You can find TBD on substack @iconicleadership.

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